Favorites, Contacts, and Links
Favorites, Contacts, and Links
My Contact Information
Stephen J. Sheriff, Luthier
5018 Cameron Road
Birmingham AL 35242
Cell: 206 271 8743
Below, you will find links to many of my colleagues, mentors, friends, guitar dealers, lutherie suppliers, wood merchants, and others with whom I proudly share this world. Click on the images to go right to the website. Have fun exploring !
Photo above is the renowned luthier, Jay Hargreaves, and David Haxton behind him, roasting a guitar at the 2012 Annual Seattle Luthiers Group Bonfire at Alki Beach, Seattle. This little gathering happens once a year, when we all get together to party, and sacrifice the remains of projects that didn’t make the final cut. We do this in an effort to appease the capricious and moody Gods of Lutherie, in hopes of making fewer mistakes next year.